All-in-one Scoping Calculator

We believe in a world where service-based companies and freelancers never have to scope a deal with a spreadsheet ever again.

All-in-one Scoping Calculator

We believe in a world where service-based companies and freelancers never have to scope a deal with a spreadsheet ever again.

The Hard Way to Scope Your Service

Most service-based companies fail in creating a scalable process to scope deals that guarantees profitability to every client.

An extremely high percentage of service-based entities have a sales process that relies too heavily on spreadsheets to maintain margins, and scope out deals for new/existing business.

Heavily relying on spreadsheet process poses a massive threat to margins being maintained, as well as standardization of deals scoped.

With spreadsheets, each salesman has the ability at times to sell whatever they see fit, and there is little to no oversight or automated maintenance in the sales scoping process.

The Hard Way to Scope Your Service

Most service-based companies fail in creating a scalable process to scope deals that guarantees profitability to every client.

An extremely high percentage of service-based entities have a sales process that relies too heavily on spreadsheets to maintain margins, and scope out deals for new/existing business.

Heavily relying on spreadsheet process poses a massive threat to margins being maintained, as well as standardization of deals scoped.

With spreadsheets, each salesman has the ability at times to sell whatever they see fit, and there is little to no oversight or automated maintenance in the sales scoping process.

Why we built this

Built for you

Having a software that can manage margins, markups, packages, custom deliverables, and then merges all of that into a super easy to use calculator is something we know service-based entities of all sizes would quickly incorporate into their sales processes.

Sales improvement platform

We built ‘margin genius’ because we know that all service-based entities want a smoother and more automated sales process that maintains their margins effortlessly.

Why we built this

Sales improvement platform

We built ‘margin genius’ because we know that all service-based entities want a smoother and more automated sales process that maintains their margins effortlessly.

Built for you

Having a software that can manage margins, markups, packages, custom deliverables, and then merges all of that into a super easy to use calculator is something we know service-based entities of all sizes would quickly incorporate into their sales processes.

Who is this for?

Marketing Agencies
Development Agencies
Graphic Design Agencies
Interior Design Companies
Branding Agencies
Products with higher price points

- Alarms
- Solar Panels
- Home Automation

Who is this for?

Marketing Agencies
Development Agencies
Graphic Design Agencies
Interior Design Companies
Branding Agencies
Products with higher price points

- Alarms
- Solar Panels
- Home Automation



For sales admins and managers

For sales teams


For sales admins and managers

For sales teams

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